
Posh Name: Erithacus rubecula

Diet: Omnivore – insects, worms, berries, seeds.

Habitat: Robins usually live in woodlands, parks, gardens.

Lifespan: Most robins don’t survive their first year; if they do they’re lucky to live to two or three years old. However the oldest known robin is 13!

Size/Weight: Length 14cm, wingspan 20-22cm, weight 15-20g.

Home: Robins live in little nests made out of dead leaves and moss, and lined with soft things like animal fur and human hair! They are famous for building their nests in strange places – sheds, house boats, boots, kettles, even coat pockets! Usually they build their nests in little nooks and crannies in the low down branches of trees, in bushes, hollows and hedges. If you hide a little bird box with an open front somewhere safe in your garden, out of reach of cats, you might find a robin will make it his home.

Mating and Courtship: Robins mate between April and June. Male robins sing to attract a mate. Once two robins decide to be together the male will bring the female little gifts of caterpillars and worms, which she demands loudly while quivering her wings! After all their fledglings have flown the nest, the pair part ways. Robins are romantic in spring and summer but like to live alone!

Babies: Robins lay 5-7 eggs at a time and can have up to three clutches of eggs in one year. The female sits in the nest for two weeks until the eggs hatch. The male hunts to bring her food. Both parents take it in turns to feed their young, unless they have another clutch of eggs; then the female will guard the nest whilst the male looks after their first fledglings, teaching them how to fly and hunt. After two weeks the fledglings will fly the nest to find territories of their own.

Defining Features: The robin’s most defining feature is its red breast and cheery song. You can tell a robin in flight because it beats its wings very fast.

Peculiar Behaviour: Robins like people, especially gardeners. If you start digging in your garden you will probably see a Robin soon enough; they come to catch the worms you uncover in the earth and will sing you a tremendous song in return!

Weaponry: Robins are territorial birds. They may look small and friendly but they have sharp talons and beaks and will attack anything that is small and red and fight to the death! The robin believes himself to be very grand and brave; to see him fight you’d think he thought he was an eagle and not a pretty little garden bird!

Vulnerability: Being very small birds, robins sometimes make a tasty snack for local cats or birds of prey.